Utah Law of Trusts & Estates
The Utah Law of Trusts & Estates is a legal reference treatise that is available free-of-charge on this website.
The purpose of the treatise is to facilitate legal research by attorneys. The treatise may also be used as a teaching tool for law students. The treatise is not intended for use by persons who are neither attorneys nor law students. If you are not an attorney, you should consult with your attorney before making any legal decisions.
While we endeavor to keep the treatise accurate and up-to-date, no representation is made that the content in the treatise is either accurate or up-to-date.
Use of this treatise in no way establishes an attorney-client relationship between the user and either Bennett Tueller Johnson & Deere or Robert S. Tippett.
By proceeding to view the treatise, the user hereby releases The Utah Trust & Estate Educational Resource Center; UTEERC, LLC; UNLEPI, LLC; UNCATEI, LLC; ULTEA, LLC; ULTEB, LLC; Robert S. Tippett ; and Bennett Tueller Johnson & Deere from any and all liability associated with or arising out of his or her use of the treatise.
For non-lawyers, this website offers basic Utah estate planning information free-of-charge. It provides useful information on:
and other Utah estate planning issues.
Also available on this site, for lawyers, is The Utah Law of Trusts & Estates, a comprehensive 700-page legal reference treatise, as well as other information of interest to trust & estate attorneys, such as:
Current Legal Developments: A blog discussing recent Utah legislative developments and recent Utah Supreme Court and appellate court decisions of interest to trust and estate attorneys.
The Utah Rules of Professional Responsibility for Trust & Estate Lawyers: A 70-page article on the Rules of Professional Responsibility as they pertain to a trusts & estates practice in Utah.
Abstract of Utah Trust & Estate Law for Non-Utah Lawyers: A summary of Utah statutes that pertain to trusts and estates.
Utah Trustee Fee Survey Results: The results of a survey the author conducted of fees charged by institutional and private professional trustees in Utah for various types of assets.
Utah Trust & Estate Articles and Other Publications:A list of Utah Bar Journal articles, University of Utah and BYU Law Review articles and Utah Bar presentations on topics of interest to trust and estate attorneys.
Utah Trust Company Genealogy: A list of current Utah institutional trustees that have succeeded to the trust business of other Utah institutional trustees.
Utah Trust & Estate Address Book of Professional Resources:A convenient list of Utah accountants, real estate appraisers, business valuation experts, corporate trustees, private professional trustees, government offices and other persons and organizations providing services to trust and estate professionals in Utah.
Robert S. (Rust) Tippett
Contact Rust Tippett
In a series of ten videos, Robert S. (Rust) Tippett discusses Utah estate planning topics. To view a video, simply click on the Video Topic link.
No. 1
Do I Need an Estate Plan?
No. 2
What Does a Basic Estate Plan Look Like?
No. 3
Some Suggestions for Revocable Trusts
No. 4
Funding a Revocable Trust
No. 5
How Does a Revocable Trust Operate?
No. 6
Providing for Your Beneficiaries
No. 7
Probate in Utah
No. 8
Look Over Your Attorney’s Shoulder
No. 9
Some Guidance for More Complex Estate Plans
No. 10
How Often Should I Update My Estate Plan?
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All information on this web-site is available free of charge (except for the treatise, for which there is a subscription fee).
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The material on this website is for general informational purposes only. All information is provided on an as-is basis, and no representation, warranty, promise or guaranty, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy of the information on this website.
The information on this website may be changed or updated without notice. While Utah Estate Education, LLC tries to maintain updated content, this website may not reflect the most current legal developments.
Non-lawyers should consult with their own estate planning lawyers regarding their individual estate planning needs.
Lawyers should independently verify the accuracy and completeness of the information on this website before advising their clients.
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